Redguard is a company specialized in information security and cyber security with headquarters in Bern, Zurich and Neuchâtel. With an independent and neutral range of services, we support over 500 organizations and companies from a wide variety of industries.
Our vision "Our world - digital, agile and secure" underlines our understanding and commitment to a digital and agile world. We contribute to this by protecting value and thus securing the assets and long-term success of our customers.
With our corporate strategy, we are leveraging our strong position and aiming for further growth. We differentiate ourselves in the market by identifying opportunities and chances of new trends early on, with selected focus areas and a visible and tangible Redguard culture. We maintain sustainable relationships and are a service provider and employer of the future.
Securing your assets – this is our primary objective at Redguard. We fulfil this task based on our consistently updated, holistic knowledge and on our integrative approach to all aspects of information security. In addition, we consider all aspects: regulations, technology, organization, and people.
Our employees come from a variety of professional fields and address different focus areas of information security within their work. We are an active, engaged, and well networked member of the Swiss Cyber Security Community.
Redguard's consulting principles:
Reflecting our established corporate culture, our values are the foundation for building successful collaboration with our clients.
We look for new and creative solutions. We constantly follow new trends and opportunities and take advantage of opportunities.
Our passion for cyber security drives us to exceed set expectations.
We meet ourselves and our customers at eye level, together and in cooperation we achieve ambitious goals. Our communication is open and honest.
Security requires independence and neutrality. We act self-determined as individuals and as a company.
Our quality standards are an important success factor for the development of Redguard. Quality enhancing measures are integrated into our daily tasks and have therefore always been part of the work of every employee. We have had a quality management system (QMS) in place for several years. Since July 2020, our QMS has been officially certified according to ISO 9001:2015.
FusionOne AG is a subsidiary company of Redguard AG based in Zurich. It offers a flexible cloud-native Security Operation Center as a managed service (SOCaaS) at fixed monthly rates. With the combination of its security analysts expertise and Microsoft powered artificial intelligence, FusionOne's SOCaaS ensures optimal protection against cyber threats and at the same time reduces the flood of security alerts for the IT team to very few truly relevant incidents.
As a non-profit organization, Post Sanela Health AG is dedicated to enhancing quality and efficiency in the healthcare sector. In pursuit of this mission, Sanela gives special consideration to the interests of the general public and patients. Redguard supports Sanela as a partner in implementing measures related to the Electronic Patient Record (EPR). This support ensures strict adherence to the organizational, technical, and procedural requirements of the master community, the EPR law, and the corresponding implementation law at all times.
Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS) is the leading professional association for ICT security in Switzerland. Its members include more than 1,100 security professionals and interested persons from the business, public administration and scientific communities.
Swiss Cyber Experts was established in 2014 as a provider of analytic expertise to assist the federal government and cantons in the event of serious cyber incidents. Swiss Cyber Experts and ISB/MELANI have entered into a cooperation agreement to set up a PPP.
IHE Suisse is an international initiative to improve the technical data exchange and interoperability of IT systems in the healthcare sector. It promotes the uniform use of established standards such as HL7 or DICOM.
Clusis, a Swiss association founded in 1989, is recognised as a centre of excellence in the field of information security and provides a platform for exchange between experts from politics, business and academia in Switzerland and abroad.
Our Cyber Security Incident Response Team (Redguard-CSIRT) is officially part of the international FIRST community. FIRST brings together incident response and security teams from all countries around the world to ensure a secure Internet for all and limit the damage of security incidents.