The threat level to your ICT is constantly changing: New vulnerabilities in components are discovered every day. Until these are rectified, your sensitive data and information continue to be exposed to an operational, uncontrollable risk. We permanently identify weak points in your ICT and assess where there is an (acute) need for action. You can schedule the vulnerability scan for a one-time assessment or periodically for a regular review of your ICT. Continuous security scanning can also be used in combination with penetration tests. If you wish, we can also support you with tracking and ensure proper implementation.
The data from the vulnerability scans are evaluated fully automatically and in real time and summarised for you in structured, readable reports. A timeline shows you how the risk potential of your environment is developing. You can also see at any time which vulnerabilities have been newly identified or closed. The reports are sent directly to the application or system managers.
The evaluations also support you in meeting industry-specific security requirements (such as PCI DSS or ISO 27001) and are a valuable part of your vulnerability management.
Many vulnerability scanners only look for vulnerabilities that are already known. Due to the modular structure of our solution, we can combine different tools (both commercial and open source) to identify security risks as required and merge the results for you fully automatically.
As a result, we not only identify a wide variety of vulnerability types (such as those based on the OWASP Top 10), we also use modern scanning engines. These are used to expose both generic and specific vulnerabilities in your applications. This is particularly important for in-house developments.
All vulnerability scans are carried out exclusively from servers in Switzerland. Of course, all results and data collected are also stored exclusively in Switzerland. Due to the server and data location in Switzerland, data protection and data security are guaranteed at all times in accordance with Swiss law.