Employees - both the greatest weakness and a defense

While technical measures cannot provide 100% security, four out of five cases of security breaches involve people. Your attacker only needs one of your employees to harm you - a single moment in which they are inattentive, gullible, helpful, ignorant or insecure. If you want to take a holistic approach to security, there is no way around regularly sensitizing and training your employees and checking the effectiveness of these measures.

Selected references on the subject

Managed awareness: outsource your security awareness with peace of mind

The desired sensitization and behavioural change of employees can only be optimally achieved if the company-specific circumstances are taken into account. The attention and motivation of your employees is a decisive factor in the success of an awareness campaign.

Employees often feel controlled or don't see the point of the campaign. That's why we at Redguard focus on changing attitudes: security should trigger a positive feeling. Employees should see themselves as an important part of the company's defenses and behave correctly in security-relevant situations. We achieve this with our tried-and-tested, varied program.

In order to take these and other important points into account from the outset, it makes sense to have Redguard's awareness experts accompany you as part of a managed service:

  • Determining the content and scope of learning according to a tried-and-tested procedure
  • Selection of varied learning content suitable for the company-specific case and definition of the learning sequence
  • Efficient setup of campaigns in the platform incl. reminders and learning control
  • No additional effort such as teaching a tool
«People are at the heart of every organization. Awareness starts there and enables employees to recognize risks and react consciously to dangers. An established security culture is the foundation of any cyber defense.»
Expert for security awareness at Redguard

Process of a managed awareness campaign

The five phases of a managed awareness campaign

Our partner is Cyber Security Educator of the Year 2024

Our partner KnowBe4 offers the world's largest collection of multilingual security awareness content. In addition to security awareness training, security awareness games, exciting and instructive short film series and other content are also available. New content is also constantly being added.

E-learning makes it possible to train many users at the same time, depending on their availability. You determine the order in which the topics relevant to your employees are covered during a campaign. Thanks to the variety of KnowBe4 content, particularly important topics can be repeated without getting boring.

Equipped for all security awareness topics

There are many dangers in the cyber world and they are constantly increasing. In our e-learning courses, we cover all topics that are relevant to the security of your company:

CEO Fraud, Malware, Phishing, Ransomeware, Smishing, Social Engineering, Tailgating, USB, Vishing, Incident Reporting, Personal Security, Physical Security, Workplace Security, E-Mail Security, Internet Use, Passwords & Authentication, Social Media, WiFi, Remote Work und vieles mehr.

By making optimal use of the awareness platform, it is possible to successfully sensitize employees to the importance of security and enable them to recognize social engineering attacks. The aim is to create a holistic security culture in which employees see themselves as part of security and understand their own important role in defending the company against attacks.

Choose your suitable service level

Our Redguard awareness specialist will set up the awareness platform for you and provide you with long-term support so that you can make optimum use of it for your company.

Strengthen employee awareness

With the Basic Service Level, you receive a standardized basic awareness campaign for your employees with which your employees are trained in common attack techniques and relevant IT and information security topics:

  • Basic configuration of the KnowBe4 e-learning platform (2 campaigns per year)
  • Introductory demo
  • E-Learning & Quiz
  • Regular newsletter
  • User management
  • Management Reporting


Regularly check and improve employee awareness

Your employees are not "only" trained, but also regularly put to the test. In this way, your employees continuously and sustainably develop into cyber security sensors and strengthen the resilience of your company:

  • Complete Basic offer (see above)
  • Periodic testing of employees through e-mail phishing campaigns
  • Refresher training for specific employees
  • Additional e-learning sequences
  • Tailor-made e-learning campaign content


Individual awareness campaign from A-Z

In addition to Advanced's services, you receive a fully customized awareness campaign, which can range from your own image figure to awareness goodies for your employees and target group-specific on-site training:

  • Individual awareness measures tailored to your company
  • Complete Advanced offer (see above)
  • Specific offer tailored to your needs from Redguard's awareness products such as social engineering (voice phishing], QR code phishing) or an on-site event such as security awareness training, a security awareness day or live hacking, e.g. a check of security precautions when accessing your premises

Manage your security awareness yourself + additional awareness measures

Would you like to manage the topic of security awareness yourself? Or would you like to go beyond the training and further learning content (Service Level Basic) and the organization and implementation of regular e-mail phishing simulations (Service Level Advanced)? Redguard offers the following additional services:

  • Further social engineering tests: voice phishing, QR code phishing, testing physical access to your premises
  • Live Hackings: Your employees will learn impressively how quickly a password can be cracked or how easily a seemingly trustworthy WLAN can be set up. This makes your employees aware of how important their personal contribution is. This additional offer is often used in kick-off events in the "Gaining attention and acceptance" phase.
  • Presence training and Security workshops deepen the content learned. A special form of workshop is the Security Day (half-day or full day), where your employees visit various information stands and learn how quickly security can be compromised through discussions with experts or interactively.
  • Materials: We have various physical and digital materials to remind your employees of what they have learned. We can use these for your campaign, adapt them to your corporate design or create completely new materials. Materials already created:

    • e-learning
    • Security Workshops
    • Security Videos (OWASP)
    • Quiz on each topic block with direct resolution
    • Security Taschenbüchlein
    • Guide to security topics
    • Behavioral checklists
    • Flyer
    • Screensaver
    • Poster
    • Presence training

  • Supplementary security e-learning units with videos and final learning comprehension check questions for the following areas Secure Development (Basic, OWASP Top10, Advanced Security, Cloud Security, Network Security), Secure System Engineering (Container Security, System Security) und tiefergehenden Security Trainings (Framework Security, Application Security Infrastructure, Advanced Web Application Security, Authentication and Secrets Management, Security Operations, Vulnerability Management, Privacy and Anonymity, Advanced System Security).

    In addition to technical managers, many of the training courses are also suitable for other roles, such as product managers, to give them a general understanding of the challenges involved in developing and operating secure applications.

How your company benefits from improved awareness

  • Prevent costly damage such as data leaks, viruses and image loss
  • Improve processes and technical and physical vulnerabilities
  • Measure the safety awareness of your employees
  • Check and sensitize your employees to your individual risks
  • Motivate your employees to get involved in corporate safety
  • Receive behavior checklists, reminders, guidelines and much more for your team.

Phishing attacks and other social engineering attacks are more successful than you might think - and can cause considerable damage to your company. Do you want to protect your company? Ein Outsourcing (Managed Awareness) ist ein effiziente und gleichzeitig die entspannteste Art, dies zu tun. Lassen Sie sich beraten und erfahren Sie, was für Ihr Unternehmen sinnvoll ist.

Handout Awareness for employees: Recognize, prevent or de-escalate phishing and co.